Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 2 of Paper Letters Of Love

The past few days have all been about getting our name out there. We are not making any money from this, and therefore we are relying heavily on YOU to tell the people you know, or to request a letter from us.

This morning, the most wondreous thing happened! Sophia Bush, who plays Brooke on One Tree Hill, retweeted the blog link!

PLL said that if we can even make one person smile, we would be happy... Sophia certainly made all of us smile! And within moment we had an email for our first request via this blog, from Germany!

Thanks to all our subscribers and visitors, don't forget to tell your friends! :)



  1. I have always been supporting everything I've done, no, I still support. It was a joy, to know. From here I thank you, greetings from Valencia (Spain).

  2. Thank you for your kind works Pepekun! Amazing to hear from someone in Spain. The internet is a wondrous thing! :)

  3. Thank you for your support Julie - we really appreciate it :)

  4. How cool is that! I would have just about fallen out of my chair! (:
